
X Matter

Been A little crazy the last 2day and did not post. Thursday was a bit of an adventure. Left my house around 10.30am on my way to Delaware to see my dear mom's and pop's. Took my time and made a few stops on the way down.Called Mom's to let her know that I was 30 minutes away and could she cook my favorite meal of Beacon,Cheese  Eggs and Grits to which she said no problem. This is the only time I get to eat this, After spending some quality time with my parents. I left out to meet my cousin Superfresh in Philly to have a few and get caught up on whats going on. After spending a couple of hours in Philly my home away from home I started on my 2hr journey back home to meet my boy Jay and have a few more were we ended up closing the bar and not getting home until after 3am only to get up at 7.30am on Friday  to start my day and to end it with this post at 1.29am. SMH. Pics to follow.

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