
What A Mood!!

 Judy Moody is a series of children,s books by Author:Megan McDonald aimed at girl's between the ages of 6-10. Over the last 2 years my 8 year old has fell in love with these books and has collected most of the series. Judy Moody is a mover and a shaker, with a wicked stare and an annoying little brother, Stink. With the majority of her tales set at Judy’s home and school and dealing with realistic moments in a child’s life, they are relatable and provide a positive messages in a humorous way. The books are a fun whimsical read that allows the child to fantasize about Judy,s adventures. The books titles: Judy Moody Was in a Mood,Judy Moody Predicts the Future,Judy Moody Goes to College. With titles like that the books are sure to captivate the young readers imagination.The series has been translated into 23 languages and set to made into a full feature movie do out in the near future.


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