
Mr. Brainwash ("MBW")

As I watched the film Exit Through The Gift Shop, directed by Banksy for like the fifth time I asked myself who"s Mr. Brainwash (Thierry Guetta) and is he really an artiest or a front man for Bansky and  Shepard FaireyGuetta is a French citizen who lives in Los Angeles, a proprietor of a clothing store and videographer who evolved into a street artist and gallery artist, influenced by the street artists he video over the years. Guetta was first introduced to street art by his cousin, the French street artist, Invader. The film includes authentic documentation of Space Invader Space Invader, Shepard Fairey, Banksy and other well-known street artists. MBW's work emulates the styles and artistic concepts of Banksy and Fairey. Unlike Banksy, who is shown in the film creating his own work, Guetta states in the film that his work largely consists of "scanning and photoshopping", acts which are carried out by hired assistants. Guetta admits in Exit Through The Gift Shop that most of the actual artistic process is carried out by hired graphic designers to whom he describes his ideas. In the film, he is not shown creating very much artwork himself. Life is Beautiful his debut art show in Los Angeles,was featured in LA Weekly. According to the film the article marked a pivotal point in MBW's career, it was this exhibition and article that brought Mr Brainwash to the notice of the art world, and over 7,000 people attended the show on its opening night. MBW'S pieces have sold at auction for as much as $120.000 USD. MBW created the cover art for Madonna's Celebration album and in 2010, his second showICONS opened in New York City.

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